API end point: https://patient360.bluemedadv.com/P360Member/api/fhir.

Resource Device (DSTU2)

Maps CareEvolution DeviceDataSource concept describing devices.

Supported interactions

Search parameters

Name Type Modifiers , prefixes Multiple values Can be chained Description
_id Token Yes

Resource id

_lastUpdated Date eq ne lt le gt ge sa eb ap

When the resource last changed

_source Uri :missing Yes

Where the resource comes from

patient Reference (Patient) :missing Yes Yes

The patient the Device is about

provenance-agent Reference (Organization) :missing Yes Yes

Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization

type Token :not :in :not-in :missing Yes

The type of the device

udi String :contains :exact :missing Yes

FDA mandated Unique Device Identifier


Supports multiple sorts



To FHIR mappings

FHIR CareEvolution
expiry Property('Expiry')
identifier Identifier
lotNumber Property('LotNumber')
manufactureDate Property('ManufactureDate')
patient PatientID
Bindings:  valueset-devicestatus
Domain: DeviceDataSourceStatus
type TypeTerm
Domain: DeviceDataSourceType
udi UdiDeviceIdentifier

From FHIR mappings

FHIR CareEvolution
expiry Property('Expiry')
id Identifier
identifier Identifier
lotNumber Property('LotNumber')
manufactureDate Property('ManufactureDate')
patient PatientID
Bindings:  valueset-devicestatus
Domain: DeviceDataSourceStatus
type TypeTerm
Domain: DeviceDataSourceType
udi UdiDeviceIdentifier